The show, which is set to premiere on Monday, August 29 at 8 PM, will follow the daily drama and hilarity of select wives and girlfriends of Lakers and Clippers players. The cast will include Kimsha Artest, Jackie Christie, Imani Showalter, Gloria Govan, and Laura Govan, among other women. Kimisha Artest is married to Lakers star Ron Artest, while Jackie Christie is the wife of former Clippers player Doug Christie. Imani Showalter is known as the ex-fiancée of the Charlotte Bobcats' Stephen Jackson. Gloria Govan was on the first season of Basketball Wives and is engaged to Lakers player Matt Barnes. Laura, Gloria's sister, is the former fiancée of the Orlando Magic's Gilbert Arenas and the mother of his four children.
From the looks of things, there’s going to be plenty of drama, and cat fights, which is to be expected, right? Throughout the season, Jackie Christie will be planning her 16th wedding to Doug Christie, who she marries every year. She says that if you are always planning a wedding, you don’t have time to plan a divorce.Viewers will also be introduced to Gloria Govan’s sister Laura (linked to Gilbert Arenas), Kishma Artest, current ‘partner’ of Lakers player Ron Artest (or Metta World Peace), and Draya Michele, an aspiring actress. What’s interesting about the preview, is the conversation between Draya and Gloria who tells her, ‘it’s hard not to classify you as a groupie’. In a recent interview with Loop 21, Gloria revealed that she knew Draya prior to the show through acting class and that she was chosen to be the ‘Royce Reed’ of the bunch.
Gloria said:
Draya was chosen on the cast because we met Draya through acting class and she seemed like a real sweetheart. Not necessarily knowing her background per se, but just knowing she had some involvement. She kind of plays the role of Royce [Reed] I guess you could say, in terms of her role on Basketball Wives L.A. That’s one of the reasons. We just wanted to give everybody a different dynamic, a 3D version of what we have to deal with as wives and different points of view.Gloria, really should try not to be so judgmental, because she has problems just like everyone else!!!
Please comment below, what do you think about the new BW (LA)?
I wonder if this is going to be as messy as the first one . . .
ReplyDeleteI sure hope so....LMAO