With Shelly and Adam on the block, Rachel thought she and Brendon had a chance to skate through the week. Little do they know that Daniele is secretly hoping to backdoor Brendon. (Of course, Daniele said she is fine sending Shelly home if things don't go according to plan.) Either way, Rachel and Brendon hope to win the veto to ensure their safety.
Shelly, meanwhile, is still worked into a frenzy about what Porsche told her in Sunday's episode. Porsche said Rachel told her that Shelly made a "final three" deal with Rachel and Brendon. Although video playback did capture one such conversation, Shelly continued to deny it. Once Shelly learned that Daniele wasn't really after her, Shelly aired her grievances to Rachel. Rachel confirmed that she told those things to Porsche because Shelly did ask to make a deal in exchange for voting out Jordan. That sends Shelly, whose true alliance is with Jeff and Jordan, over the edge. "I've been loyal to a fault in this game," she says through tears. Shelly, who believes in being a "straight shooter" can't believe Rachel would say those things that are untrue. (Um, have you have ever played this game with Rachel?)
Here's my take: Shelly clearly made overtures to Rachel and Brendon at one point, and she's been on the record a bunch about playing both sides of the house. (Is that shooting straight, Shelly?) But I can't figure out if her adamant denials are based in stupidity and bad lying (maybe she made so many deals she can't keep them straight) or if she simply has forgotten. Either way, when she gets home and sees how this played out in front of America, she's going to look a little foolish.
During Adam's chat with Daniele, he gets the same speech Shelly did: The real target is Brendon. That means Adam needs to win the veto. So, he "prays to the metal gods" to keep Brendon and Rachel from being able to play in the competiion. And those prayers are answered! Jeff, Jordan and Kalia are drawn at random to play with Daniele, Shelly and Adam in the veto game. Porsche is chosen to host the competiton, which means Brendon and Rachel will watch the whole thing from the sidelines. They don't do a very good job at hiding their displeasure/fear.
The name of the game is Cornhole, and the backyard has been transformed into a redneck farmer's dream. Each round, every player tries to throw a beanbag into the hole to score 1 point If they miss, the bag falls onto a revolving disc numbered two through 13. If you overshoot, you automatically have the highest score of the round. The player with the highest score each round is eliminated and must take a "prize." However, any player eliminated later in the game can swap their prize for any previously revealed item.
(Hilarious aside: Jordan says that in his overalls, bandana headband and sleeveless T-shirt, Jeff looks like he's in a boy band. She then elaborates that Jeff actually likes boy bands and sings songs to her on the phone. I'd pay good money to see "Big Jeff" sing Backstreet Boys. "Don't show this; Jeff will get mad," Jordan says. Oh, sweetheart, you should know better.)
Here's how the players are eliminated from the game:
--Shelly completely overshoots the board, and is the first eliminee. Her prize is the veto, though we all know she won't hold onto it in all likelihood.
--Jordan goes out next and "wins" 24 hours of solitary confinement...but she gets a call from home. She tears up with happiness, but then decides to give it to Shelly so she can talk to her daughter. Jordan is a class act, or as Jeff says, "she has a heart of gold."
--Kalia goes out next and wins a Caribbean vacation.
--Daniele drops out next and wins a guaranteed slot in next week's veto competition. Since she can't win HOH, she is wise to keep that prize.
--Jeff decides to let Adam win, so he doesn't have the difficult choice between his alliances with Shelly and Brenchel. He wins $5,000.
--As the winner, Adam's prize is a "humilitard," the latest and greatest in the Big Brother unitard collection. He quickly takes Jordan's veto and passes the humilitard onto her. (It honestly couldn't have gone to a better person. This year, the unitard is basically a "dunce" outfit that says "I'm with stupid" on the front of it. Jordan is ditzy, so it works out great. Plus, the accompanying pink tutu is cute.)
Shelly's time in solitary confinement is capped off with the tear-jerking call to her husband and daughter. Little Josie got the teacher she wanted at school and instantly starts sobbing the moment she hears her mom's voice. It's a lot of blubbering, but if you didn't get misty during that segment, you have no soul.
Knowing that Adam will save himself from nomination with the veto, Brendon and Rachel beg Daniele to consider keeping them in the house as her new allies. They throw Jeff under the bus, and Daniele weighs her options: Get rid of Brendon (again) like she wants, or take out equally strong player Jeff while growing her alliance by two more members.
Ultimately, Daniele decides to put Brendon up again. She said this season there is a zombie in the house who keeps coming back. She hopes this time to cut off his head for good. (She is a little concerned that the zombie bride is going to lose her mind again.) Brendon vows to bring the fury (he thinks he might have enough sway to stay) to Daniele, who he can't believe turned down "the deal of a lifetime."
But can Brendon pull it off? Doubtful. Kalia, Porsche and Jordan are almost sure votes to evict Brendon, and even if Adam and Jeff both voted with Rachel to keep Brendon, Daniele's tie-breaker will send him home. Sorry, pal, looks like you'll be chatting with Julie Chen again tomorrow night.
What do you think? Are you glad to see Brendon back on the block so soon? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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