Thursday, August 25, 2011

Big Brother Recap: Veto Competition 8/24/11

The numbers may be dwindling in the Big Brother house, but Wednesday's episode proved there is still much game to be played. But first: The Zingbot is in the house, ready to insult each and every houseguest. Who got zinged the worst?  Who won the power of veto? And who is now up for eviction in this very tricky double-elimination week? Let's find out.

With Kalia and Porsche nominated for eviction, Daniele feels pretty good about the deal she made with Head of Household Jeff. Of course, she also promised Jeff that she wouldn't try to win the power of veto. Naturally, that was a lie. In fact, the only way Daniele can guarantee that both she and her closest ally in the house, Kalia, remain safe is to win the veto.

While Daniele ponders that conundrum, Rachel passes the hours by stalking Daniele and asking her annoying questions. Seriously, I think Rachel becomes more of a 5-year-old with every episode. I have to give Daniele credit for her ability to stay calm and not totally lose it on Rachel. Of course, in the diary room she does admit that she would like to punch her in the face. (Are we wrong for wanting to see that fight?) As you can imagine, Daniele is thrilled when Rachel is the only player not chosen to play in the power of veto competition. Rachel, of course, sulks.

Meaningless aside No. 1: Hey, look! Jordan is doing a striptease. It's quite possibly the least sexy striptease ever, but it was enough to get Adam all googly-eyed. In truth, she simply took off her "humilitard" after wearing it for a week. Jeff was surprised to see this new side to his girlfriend ... but he liked it! (Not as much as Adam. Maybe they should fight too!)

Meaningless aside No. 2: Ever wonder what Big Brother pillow talk is like? Well if you're Jeff and Jordan, it's a long, intense discussion about the proper pronunciation of mischievous. (For the record, they are both correct, according to Merriam-Webster. Mis-cha-vous and mis-chee-vee-ous are both acceptable.)

Before the veto competition, everyone's favorite insult robot showed up to cut the houseguests down to size. The Zingbot comments on Jeff's circa-1995 soul patch, Rachel's incessant talk about fiancé Brendon, Adam's resemblance to The Addams Family's Uncle Fester, Shelly's manliness and Kalia's sleeping habits. But my favorite zings (and perhaps the meanest) were for ...

... Daniele, the daughter of former winner Evel Dick: Do you own a car or are you still riding your daddy's coattails?

...Porsche, who is a bit curvy: Why didn't your parents name you after a car with a roomier trunk?

...and the delightfully dim Jordan: The reason Jeff hasn't proposed to you is because he knows you're terrible at answering questions.

The competition required the houseguests to build the Zingbot his bride. The person to put together the fembot puzzle in the quickest time wins. Although Daniele, Kalia and Porsche all desperately want to win, Jeff wants to win even more in order to hold all the power, and by extension, have options of who to send home. Jordan, Shelly and Adam? Well, you didn't really expect them to win, did you? (Which makes me wonder: Why has Jeff built an alliance of floaters, since he says all the time that he wants to take them out? I mean, Jordan is his girlfriend, but what have Shelly and Adam done exactly? Also, look to Shelly's convo with Kalia in tonight's episode to prove she's still a snake. Watch your back, Jeff.)

In any case, Jeff gets his wish, as he is the first to complete the puzzle, and therefore, the winner of the power of veto. Porsche and Kalia both promise not to come after Jeff if he should take them off the block. (Additionally, Kalia argues that she is less of a floater than Porsche because she actually won an HOH. Meh.) Aside from that, Jeff asks Daniele how solid their deal from last week is. She promises him that he is safe and further offers him and Jordan a final four deal if he agrees to also save Kalia. I don't know if I actually believe Daniele, but I think Jeff should keep Daniele one more week before making a power move.

Alas, at the veto ceremony, Jeff takes Porsche off the block. And in her place he puts (shocker!) Daniele. Jeff said he gave Daniele his word in the first week, and she broke it when she tried to get Rachel to backdoor Jeff. Therefore, he can't trust her word any more. He also says that Daniele bragged that she told host Julie Chen that she didn't regret pushing to evict Jeff in a big game move. Jeff says when she walks out the door Thursday night, he hopes Daniele gives Julie a different answer. Oh snap! Or should I say: Zing!

Daniele vows that she will do everything in her power to sway the votes to stay. She has no regrets, but if she is able to stay, she says Jeff will be the one regretting this move. (I don't think she has the votes, but again, I think Jeff pulled the trigger too soon. With one of her alliance members gone, Daniele would have needed Jeff for numbers at least one more week. Of course, none of them know it's a double eviction Thursday, so it all could be moot!)

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