Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tami Roman’s Thoughts On Basketball Wives Episode 5: “It’s Not My Job To Blog, BUT I’m Going To Do It Anyway”

This season is bringing out the writer in everyone on Basketball Wives, that’s for sure. Between Jennifer andEvelyn‘s blogs, plus the regular recap that Royce posts for VH1, we’re getting a ton of insider information and multiple sides to every storyline on the show, and for the past couple weeks, Tami Roman has thrown her two cents in on her website as well. So what’s Tami have to say about Monday night’s episode? Read for yourself. (As always, the ladies are verbose, so we have abbreviated this post and pulled some of the best quotes, but do yourself a favor and read the entire thing on Tami’s site.) Keep reading till the end, Tami definitely has some choice words not just for her cast mates but for her producers as well.
It’s Not My Job to Blog, BUT I’m going To Do It Anyway
Watching this episode made it official…it’s my turn to play the angry black woman. I don’t want to address to many things because I will see all of these ladies at the reunion and I’m much more of a face to face person, but here goes…

I want you to pay for my next therapy session because that is what saved your life at that birthday dinner. You have a bad habit of saying the wrong stuff at the wrong time. Now, I have forgiven you for that brief glitch in your brain, but that is the absolute LAST time you’re going to get a pass. I do like you and I know you are “simple” at times, so I’m willing to put this past us.
You hit the nail on the head and you know I think your ass is crazy, but you SAID that last night. I’m not a bad person, but I deal with people a certain way and I try to be upfront. I asked both you and Keisha to just come talk to me…you did that and she didn’t. I don’t respect a woman who isn’t forthright, especially at 30 something years old. Regarding your speech…girl go sit the hell down. That ish was crazy! You don’t even know Shaunie like that – you had been around her all of two times when you made that speech. It was supposed to be heartfelt, but you made it really awkward for her at her own party. Although, I hope they show you singing…now that was classic…
In the moment, your apology seemed sincere, but watching it back…girl, why you lie in my face…Sidebar: Your speech was comical. People really had to hear the whole thing because between you and Kenya, I have NEVER seen anything like it. You made a speech about yourself and tried to pass it off as something special to Shaunie. I hope VH1 releases the uncut version of some of these moments. I’m just saying…
Royce and Kesha
That little meeting in the country store – again the main crux of my beef with Kesha was edited out. In that moment Kesha said she would’ve went off on me, but she didn’t want to embarrass me. I see where this show is going and I have to take the good with the bad. Kesha will be the “edited” version of a victim and I will be made to look like the angry Black woman or the bully. It is what it is because I accept full responsibility for my REACTIONS. Other than that, NO words, speechless…I can’t…
Your face was priceless last night! Now here is the thing…you nor I handle things properly once we get heated….That clutch to the dome was funny as hell though. Your aim, the precision…chiiiilllleeeee.
PS- Shed and the editors, whatever Kesha is paying you, I’ll double it just so the viewers can get the truth. I can’t wait to see how you screw me over with the Tahiti footage.

1 comment:

  1. I like Tami but she can be very aggressive and loud, it seems like she is a bully even before this season started. But I still like her, I wasn't able to catch Monday's episode but my co-worker at DISH told me that stuff hit the fan at Shanuie's party. I was pretty excited to watch it when I got home. I went to my computer and went onto DISH Online to see what I missed. DISH Online is a site I use daily to watch my shows on since I am more of a computer person. Lol, I couldn't believe what Suzie said about Tami using food stamps! I am surprised Tami didn't snatch her up by her hair.
