Sunday, September 11, 2011

Big Brother Recap

'Big Brother' Recap: Who will go to the finale?

With only one week left, Big Brother ran full force last night with Adam winning his first HOH. He must decide which side he will take: The Newbies or The Veterans. His veto win last week sent Kalia out the door and appeared as though his choice has been clear. However, this is Big Brother and anything is possible.
The Power of Veto holder will be the most powerful player in the game as he or she will single-handedly decide who will go forward into the final three alongside Adam.
Tensions are high before nominations, and everyone is taking their chance to talk to Adam to try to get into his head. Porsche makes a compelling argument to Adam: why not choose a newbie, rather than sit in the final chair with Jordan, his closest friend, who has already won this game and half a million dollars before? Rachel takes her chance to “kiss some HOH butt.” She proclaims she’s “scared to death.” Jordan is next in the HOH room. Adam tells Jordan, “I think it would be best if Rachel was gone…would you be gone if I nominated you?” Jordan is floored, and states that Porsche “doesn’t deserve it.” She states, “We’ve helped you get this far and you’re going to screw us?!?” Jordan leaves the HOH room angry.
At the nominations ceremony, only one key remains in the box. Adam unlocks the single and only key and reveals Rachel’s safety, sending Porsche and Jordan on the block. He states, “The best night sleep I had was the night I won the POV and you [looking at Jordan and Porsche] have to experience that feeling too.” Adam proclaims that if they want to be in the final three, they need to fight for it.
The backyard is filled with jukeboxes for the Power of Veto competition. Each jukeboxcontains 20 clues, 10 on each side, about houseguests that were eliminated. Ten blocks have the names of previously eliminated houseguests on each side, and can only be stacked in a particular way to match the clues.
Each houseguest struggles with their blocks but Porsche ultimately takes home the highest power of the week, she wins the POV.
Rachel is brought to tears and falls apart in the bathroom. Jordan takes her into the purple room. Rachel proclaims, “I don’t know what to do.” Jordan tells her that if Rachel gets to the final two that she will win.
Porsche invites Rachel into the other room to discuss strategy. Rachel says that if she takes her that she will take her to the final two. However, Porsche realizes if she gets to the end with Jordan, that she will probably win over her since Jordan has already won the game of Big Brother.
At the Veto ceremony, Porsche decides to use the POV to take herself off of the block, sending Rachel to the nominations chair. Porsche will be the only one to cast the vote and she decides to evict Jordan.
Part one of three in the final Big Brother HOH. Everyone gets to play in this HOH and the winner will automatically advance to the final round. The first round is an endurance challenge where the contestants must stand on a small metal piece and are then dipped in and out of water. The player that stays the longest will win.
The live finale which includes the competitions will all air on Wednesday at a special time. Who do you think will win this season's Big Brother?

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